May 2023

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Literary Oracle (ISSN: 2348-4772): Special Issue on Memory Studies

Literary Oracle invites unpublished articles in this area for its special issue to be published in May 2023.

Book Reviews: Fiction, Non-fiction and Poetry are solicited and will be accepted with a copy of the book reviewed addressed to the editor.

Literary Oracle accepts only original research papers pertaining to literature, language and culture, Book Reviews and original interviews with noted literary and social personalities with similarity index less than 10% twice a year; March 31st for the May issue and October 31st for the December Issue.

No charges are levied for Publication. Pdf version of the journal with DOI numbers will be available on the journal website.

Annual Subscription of the journal is 1500 INR ($ 50) for individuals and 3000 INR ($ 80) for institutions which will entitle the subscribers to TWO issues of the journal (print) of that year.

Copyright of the Issues is with Editor Literary Oracle